Read more about the article Never Stop Learning
Stretching fly line before casting might not be necessary, but it’s a good idea to check for memory. – Rusty Chinnis | Sun

Never Stop Learning

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines learning as “knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study.”As most anglers will attest, that’s how we’ve gained the ability to successfully (occasionally) target different species…

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Read more about the article How and Why to Release Fish Alive
Captain John Kipp prepares to release a tarpon after reviving it in the water next to the boat. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun

How and Why to Release Fish Alive

By Rusty Chinnis - May 24, 2021 Catch and release used to be a relatively new concept in sport fishing, one that recognized that fish populations are vulnerable and not the endless…

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Read more about the article What happened to catch and release?
Keeping big fish like tarpon in the water is critical. Andy Mill measures a tarpon while Captain Doug Kilpatrick assists. – Rusty Chinnis | Sun

What happened to catch and release?

Catch and release used to be an accepted practice that acknowledged that fish populations are not the bottomless resource they were once thought to be. Proper catch-and-release methods are more important now than ever. Lately, however, a lot of posts of dead fish are appearing on social media that seem to be taken more to impress others and get likes than to provide a meal.

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