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Reel Time on the Road: Andros North Bight
By Rusty Chinnis “Strip, long strip, stop, short strip, stop, strip,” Harry Neymour called out as I watched the bonefish

Reel Time: Cleaning up the Sister Keys
By Rusty Chinnis Suncoast Waterkeeper teamed up with Sarasota Bay Watch last weekend when they conducted their 2023 Annual Sister

Reel Time: Giving back
By Rusty Chinnis I consider myself extremely lucky to have spent the last 40-plus years on an island in an area

Opposition mounts against wetlands reduction
When the Manatee County Board of Commissioners voted 6-1 (Commissioner George Kruse voted no) to go forward with reducing wetland

We must vote for candidates who support the environment
Readers of this column have seen me recommend checking politicians’ voting record before casting a vote for them.

Suncoast Waterkeeper urges protection of wetlands
In a recent column, I reported how state rules and regulations passed during the DeSantis legislative session limited the protection

Legislation Imperils Local Waters
By Rusty Chinnis At a time when the need to move water quality issues in a positive direction should be

Empowering the next generation
You don’t have to convince an angler of the importance of a healthy grass flat or a robust stand of

The secret to fly casting
Everything we learn to do in life is learned by repetition. The act of repeating an action over and over

Stand up for mangroves
Readers of this column are familiar with the rampant illegal mangrove trimming in Manatee County and the efforts of Suncoast

Reel Time: Suncoast Waterkeepers lead post-Ian cleanup
Hurricane Ian left a wake of debris in a wide swath of waterways across the state. One particularly hard-hit

Frankie’s Two Boys Inn
Wakes rippled the water’s mirror-smooth surface, revealing the school of bonefish as they worked their way off the vast shallow