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Make Fishing Fun
Lately, it seems we’re constantly reminded how our experiences growing up molded us into the kind of person we are

Reel Time: Jack Crevalle, Pit Bulls of the Sea
For most local anglers, jack crevalle is not a target species. That’s pretty much true for fly and spin anglers

Your Environment is Worth More Protection Than It’s Getting
In Manatee County the DEP’s biggest failure is Piney Point

Reel Time: Clean Water Act Case Benefits Anglers
Suncoast Waterkeeper and partner environmental groups Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, Manasota-88 and Our Children’s Earth Foundation have once again given local anglers cause for some

Reel Time on the Road: River of Painted Rocks
The river’s edge was garlanded with the lime-green blush of early spring. Maples, oaks and sourwood trees lined the banks,

Reel Time on the Road: Looking back, Paying Forward
One of the things I like most about fishing is the friends we make along the way and the many

Suncoast Waterkeeper: Guardian of The Bay
As readers are no doubt aware, I love to write about all things fishing, including the need to actively work

Vote Water
Insults to Florida’s environment point to the lack of political will to effect the changes that are necessary to preserve

The Mayfly Project
I discovered the Mayfly Project when a child therapist reached out to me to find a mentor for a young

My Witness Statement
I have never been more concerned than I am today and fear we may be near a point of no return. I truly believe that this rises to the level of a “moral obligation.”

Selby Gardens ‛bioblitzes’ the Sister Keys
By Rusty Chinnis – May 30, 2021 I’ve always been a big fan of Sarasota’s Selby Gardens and the work it does

How and Why to Release Fish Alive
By Rusty Chinnis – May 24, 2021 Catch and release used to be a relatively new concept in sport fishing, one that