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When Fly-Casting, Let the Wind Be Your Friend
Whether stalking bonefish in the Bahamas, poling a flat for tailing redfish in Florida, wading into the surf for stripers

A Guide for Environmental Action
By Rusty Chinnis – May 3, 2021 I’ve written a lot lately about the critical issues facing our local waters and the

The unfolding tragedy of Piney Point
By Rusty Chinnis – April 12, 2021 Rounding a mangrove corner into Clam Bar Bay on the edges of Tampa Bay, I

Covid-Safe Sister Keys Clean Up
By Rusty Chinnis Suncoast Waterkeeper is teaming up with Sarasota Bay Watch this year when they conduct their Annual Sister

Focus on the fun of fishing
By Rusty Chinnis – February 22, 2021 To many anglers, fishing is simple. It’s no more complicated than dangling a shrimp or

A Catalyst for Change
When I asked Jon Thaxton, Vice President of Community Investment at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation (GCCF), about the “backstory

Fishing with Captain Nick Angelo
We explore Northwest Florida’s Gulf Coast “wilderness” angling opportunities .

Make Your New Year’s Resolution
New Year’s resolutions have spawned more jokes than life changes. Still, it’s a good idea to look back on the

Cold Weather Angling Strategies
Once again, late December’s cold winds have blown in, dropping water temperatures and requiring anglers to adjust their strategies. Winter

Threatened Seagrass Has a Trickle Down Effect
It is imperative that citizens let leaders know they will hold them responsible to protect the resources that form the basis of our quality of life as well as the local economy.

The things that matter most
Brice Claypoole at 12 years old is asking voters to consider the future of those who can’t vote.

Learning to Fly
Unlike most species, to have the best chance of a bite by a tripletail, you need to strip the fly right into the face of the fish.