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The Quality of Our Fishing Future
Fishing and the outdoors experiences have played a pivotal role in my life for almost seven decades and made me passionate about working to protect the natural world.
That’s why I keep coming back to what I think is a crucial responsibility: being aware of how elected officials voted when it comes to the quality of the air I breathe, the water I drink, and the water that the fish I love to pursue swim in.
It’s become painfully apparent to me that the politicians we elect all too often have a different agenda. That’s why I have decided I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. What I am is an environmental voter.

Get in Some Great Fishing and a Bike Ride, Too
I like to bike and I love to fish, and it occurred to me a long time ago that I might be able to access some great fishing spots by bike. What I discovered was a way to get in some excellent fishing without having to do the work to get a boat in and out of the water, with all that’s involved.
It opened up a new avenue for getting my fishing fix and a bike ride, too.

Clear Water Hides Looming Problem
While it’s true that the water in the bay is crystal clear, and my experience over the last few weeks has been discouraging. There are signs of recovery, as bait enters the bay and mullet are again starting to make an appearance. Still, I believe this is one of the slowest recoveries I can remember since the early 80s.

CCA Manatee Chapter
Check out the Manatee Chapter’s banquet. It show’s the community’s commitment to conserving our natural resources.